Five steps to address sleep apnea naturally

Sleep apnea is no laughing matter. It’s a condition where your breathing stops for short periods while you are sleeping. It’s about not taking in enough oxygen, which leads you to gasp and usually wake up in the middle of the night. It can sound like snoring, but people are mostly unaware that they have stopped breathing. Here are five ways to naturally address this sleep problem.

Healthy diet and exercise: Focus on healthy foods, exercise, and losing the excess pounds to remedy sleep apnea symptoms. In a study, a 12-week weight loss program led to a significant reduction in daytime sleepiness and fatigue among patients. Exercising four times a week at the minimum also helps improve one’s condition.

Sleep position: According to research, sleeping on one’s back – known as the supine position – can actually make symptoms worse. It can increase snoring and block the airways. Instead, try to sleep on your side to assist in normal breathing.

Alcohol and smoking avoidance: Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles governing breathing, which leads to snoring and an interrupted sleep cycle. Tobacco use, too, can worsen inflammation and swelling in the airways.

Mouth and throat / orofacial exercises: These exercises are an often-promoted technique in sleep apnea treatment without CPAP. They are exercises that strengthen the muscles in the mouth, throat, jaw, as well as other areas of the face. In studies, they showed to help in decreasing the intensity and frequency of snoring and daytime sleepiness, as well as in improving the overall quality of sleep.

Yoga: Apart from regular exercise, yoga can specifically enhance one’s respiratory strength and facilitate oxygen flow. It can also potentially reduce the sleep interruptions that one suffers through the night.

Dr.Lisa M. Cannon is a New Jersey-based physician. She earned her degree in medicine from New York City College and her fellowship in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine from the renowned Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Click here for similar reads.