Develop these habits for healthy lungs

A person’s respiratory health should be prioritized at any age. Internal medicine specialist Dr. Lisa M. Cannon says that one’s lifestyle habits greatly contribute to the capacity of their lungs. While there are some who have pre-existing conditions, one can strengthen this part of the body with the right practices. Here are some of them:

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Do cardio exercises

To increase lung capacity, one of the most effective ways is to exercise the lungs and the heart. Cardio workouts that last up to 20 minutes are best for strengthening the lungs. When the body is active, breathing and circulation improves. Those with sedentary lifestyles and pre-existing health conditions will also benefit from including these physical activities in their daily activities.

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Avoid pollutants and allergy triggers

Keeping one’s surroundings smoke and allergen free can be challenging. For those who have no choice but to pass by these places, Dr. Lisa M. Cannon says wearing a facemask can somewhat lessen the effects of these harmful elements. Aside from this preventive measure, regularly cleaning the places one usually frequents will keep bacteria and viruses from infecting one’s respiratory health.

Check posture

When the body is at rest, the lungs are also working less than its maximum capacity. Sitting and standing tall will give the lungs more room. It will also allow a person to breathe deeper. To do this, lift the chest and slightly lean in a flat surface to check the body’s alignment. In the process do deep breathing exercises to train the body in this position.

Dr. Lisa M. Cannon is a board-certified specialist in pulmonary disease, critical care, and internal medicine. To continue giving her patients the best service, she completed her Master’s in Public Health from the NYU Wagner School of Public Service. Subscribe to this blog for similar reads.